Mehmet Taşdemir, Assoc Professor
He was born in 1977 in Iğdır, Turkey. After graduating from Trakya University Faculty of Medicine in 1998, he completed his pediatrics residency at Şişli Etfal Training and Research Hospital between 2004 and 2009. In 2013, he completed his subspecialty training in Pediatric Nephrology at Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine. From 2013 to 2015, he worked as a Pediatric Nephrology Specialist at Istanbul Bağcılar Training and Research Hospital, where he actively contributed to the pediatrics residency and nursing education programs. During his tenure at Bağcılar Hospital, he established the peritoneal dialysis unit, providing services to patients referred from various centers across the country. In October 2015, he served as an observer at Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, in the United States. Between November 2015 and April 2021, he worked at Koç University Hospital, where he played an active role in establishing and developing the Pediatric Nephrology Department. He was one of the key coordinators of the peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis, and kidney transplant programs. In addition to providing clinical services, he took an active role in the education of Koç University School of Medicine students and pediatrics residency trainees. He participated actively in both theoretical and practical courses. In May 2019, he successfully passed the “Turkey Pediatric Nephrology Association Certification Exam.” In July 2019, he earned the title of Associate Professor in Pediatric Nephrology. On November 20, 2020, he passed the "European Society for Paediatric Nephrology Board Exam," the first exam of its kind in this field. From May 2021 to August 2023, he worked at Liv Hospital Ulus. As of February 2022, he has been pursuing a doctorate in "Kidney Transplant Research in Children" at Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine. He has a professional-level command of English, including academic writing and teaching. Since September 1, 2023, he has been working at İstinye University Bahçeşehir Liv Hospital.
The issues Dr. Taşdemir aims to assist his patients with (in summary):
- Urinary tract infection
- Urinary incontinence
- Hematuria or proteinuria
- Cystic kidney diseases
- Hypertension in children
- Kidney stones
- Congenital problems of the kidney and urinary tract (such as narrowing or excessive dilation in the pathways that facilitate urine flow, vesicoureteral reflux (backward flow of urine from the bladder to the kidney), dysplasia (abnormal kidney development), and bladder disorders).
- Rapidly developing (acute) or long-standing (chronic) kidney failure.
- In cases requiring dialysis and kidney transplantation, preparation for peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis options, and kidney transplantation in coordination with an appropriate hospital and team.
- Education and appropriate approaches for children with bladder (urinary bladder) diseases who require regular catheterization.
Dr. Taşdemir’in bilimsel araştırmaları şu alanlarda yoğunlaşmıştır: böbrek nakli, kronik böbrek hastalarında hipertansiyon/kalp ve damar hastalıkları, inflamasyon, nefrotik sendrom, üriner sistemin anatomik ve fonksiyonel sorunları (taş, posterior üretral valv, üriner inkontinans…vb). Çocuk böbrek nakli konusunda dünyadaki en önemli kayıt sistemlerinden CERTAIN (Cooperative European Paediatric Renal TransplAnt INitiative)’da 2020’den beri aktif araştırmacı olarak yer almaktadır. Ulusal ve uluslararası çok sayıda çalışmaya aktif olarak katılmıştır.
- İstinye University Bahçeşehir Liv Hospital, Pediatric Nephrology, Pediatric Kidney Transplant Program, 09/2023
- Liv Hospital Ulus, Çocuk Nefrolojisi, 05/2021-08/ 2023
- Doktora (PhD) programı 02/2022
- İstanbul Üniversitesi İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi, Çocuklarda Böbrek Nakli Araştırmaları Doktora Programı
- İstinye Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Öğretim Üyesi, Çocuk Nefrolojisi 07/2021
- FESPN (Fellow of European Society for Paediatric Nerphrology) ünvanı verildi 07/2021
- Avrupa Çocuk Nefrolojisi Birliği (European Society for Paediatric Nerphrology)
- Yeterlilik (board) sınavında başarı 11/2020
- Avrupa Çocuk Nefrolojisi Birliği (European Society for Paediatric Nephrology)
- Çocuk Nefrolojisi Doçentliği 06/2019
Koç Üniversitesi Hastanesi, İstanbul - Çocuk Nefrolojisi Yan Dal Eğitimi 04/2013
İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi, İstanbul
Eylül 2009 – Nisan 2013 (3 yıl 8 ay) - Çocuk Sağlığı Ve Hastalıkları Uzmanlık Eğitimi 09/2009
Şişli Etfal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, İstanbul
2004 – Eylül 2009 (5 yıl 1 ay) - Tıp Doktorluğu 09/2009
Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Edirne